Primary 1
Preparing your child for Primary One can be an exciting journey. As parents, you can make the whole new experience of learning new things and making friends a meaningful one for your child.
This site has a good collection of free downloadable test papers from popular schools in Singapore.
Primary School Tespapers: Two continual assessments (CA1/WA1 and CA2) and two Semesteral Assessments (SA1/WA2 and SA2). CA1/WA1 is held at the end of term 1 probably in end Feb or early Mar. SA1/WA2 is held at the end of term 2 probably in May. CA2 is held at the end of term 3 probably in August. SA2 is held at the end of final term probably in November. You can download testpapers from all subjects such as Maths, Science, English, Chinese and Tamil. Testpapers are available for Past years starting from year 2004 including 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 upto 2023
Secondary school testpapers: for Midyear (SA1) and Prelims (SA2). (SA1 and Prelims). You can download testpapers from all subjects such as A Maths, E Maths, Science Physics, Science Chemistry, Science Biology, Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Pure Biology, Geography, English Testpapers are available for Past years starting from year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
JC A Level testpapers: for Midyear (SA1) and Prelims (SA2). You can download testpapers from all subjects such as Biology H1 Biology H2, Chemistry H1, Chemistry H2, Economics H1, Economics H2, Geography H1, Geography H2, General Paper H1, General Paper H2, History H1, History H2, Maths H1, Maths H2, Physics H1, Physics H2. Testpapers are available for Past years starting from year 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 2022 and 2023
Here are the past JC2 A-Level Prelims test papers for you to practice and prepare for your A Level Exams. GOOD LUCK.
O Level exams are very crucial for every Singapore Student as it determines the JC (Junior College) that he/she will be eligible to go to. In fact 'O Level' is a life changing event that determines the future path. Here are the past Secondary 4 Prelims test papers for you to practice and prepare for your O Level Exams. GOOD LUCK.
Preparing your child for Primary One can be an exciting journey. As parents, you can make the whole new experience of learning new things and making friends a meaningful one for your child.
After P1, the honeymoon year is probably over :). Its time to get to some serious business at P2. Give your child the extra edge by providing these free P2 testpapers to try at their own pace.
At P3 Pupils enter the GEP programme through a series of tests, which will identify the top 1 per cent of the student population. It is best to get free practice by downloading these P3 testpapers.
At Primary 4, Student sits for school-based examinations that will determine their SUBJECT-BASED BANDING. It is good to download these past P4 testpapers and give your children the head-tart.
At P5, School assesses student's ability to cope with the current subject combination at the end of the year. Adjustments to the number of standard and foundation subjects can be made, if necessary. Here are the past P5 test papers for you to practice.
Primary 6 is an important stage of every Singapore Student's life. In fact most parents look at PSLE as a life changing event that determines the future of their kids. Here are the past P6 exam papers for you to practice. GOOD LUCK.