Singapore Education Related Articles

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Boon Lay Secondary School

Boon Lay Secondary School is a co-educational government secondary school located in the West Region of Singapore. The school was founded in 1986, and it has since established itself as a reputable institution that provides a well-rounded education to its students. The school's mission is to nurture responsible, resilient, and compassionate learners who are equipped to excel in a dynamic world. Read More...

Scholarships available at the National University of Singapore (NUS)

Here are some of the different scholarships available at the National University of Singapore (NUS), along with their eligibility criteria and tips on how to prepare for them Read More...

Common questions asked in DSA Interviews

The exact questions that will be asked during a DSA (Direct School Admission) interview can vary depending on the school and program, but there are some common themes that you can prepare your child for. Here are some common questions that may come up during a DSA interview Read More...

Broadrick Secondary School

Broadrick Secondary School was established in 1956, and it is one of the oldest secondary schools in Singapore. The school started off as a Chinese-medium school and later converted to an English-medium school in the 1980s. Over the years, the school has gone through several changes and upgrades to improve the learning environment for students. Read More...

St. Patrick's Secondary School

St. Patrick's Secondary School is an all-boys Catholic secondary school located in the eastern part of Singapore. It was established in 1933 by the Marist Brothers, who arrived in Singapore in 1932. The school was originally located at East Coast Road before moving to its current location at Upper East Coast Road in 1979. The school has a strong tradition of academic excellence, holistic education, and character development. Read More...

Clementi Town Secondary School

Clementi Town Secondary School is a government secondary school located in the western part of Singapore. The school was established in 1974 with the aim of providing a quality education to students in the Clementi area. Read More...

The School of Science and Technology (SST)

The School of Science and Technology (SST) is a specialized secondary school in Singapore that emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. It was established in 2010 and is located in the central area of Singapore. Read More...

Stamford American International School (SAIS)

Stamford American International School (SAIS) was founded in 2009 and has since been offering an American-style education in Singapore. SAIS follows the American curriculum, which includes the Advanced Placement (AP) program for high school students. Read More...

The Junior College (JC) route and the Polytechnic route to University

In Singapore, there are two main routes to university: the Junior College (JC) route and the Polytechnic route. While both routes lead to university, the Polytechnic route may be considered easier in some ways. Read More...
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