Singapore Education Related Articles

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Weighted Assessment vs Continual Assessment (WA1 WA2 vs CA1 CA2)

From 2019 all exams and Weighted Assessments for Primary 1 and Primary 2 students in Singapore has been removed and mid year exams for P3, P5, Sec1 and Sec3 levels are also scrapped as they are key transition levels. Read More...

What is CCA? How to choose CCA in Primary School?

According to the Ministry of Education, Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are an integral part of our students holistic education. Whether in clubs and societies, physical sports, uniformed groups or visual and performing arts groups, participation in CCAs helps children discover their interests and talents and deepens their sense of belonging and responsibility to school, community and eventually nation. Read More...

What is the Direct School Admission-Secondary (DSA-SEC)?

The DSA-Sec allows students to seek admission to a secondary school on the basis of talents and achievements that may not be demonstrated at the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). The DSA-Sec enables students to enter suitable academic and non-academic programmes in Secondary Schools that can develop the students in these areas. For information on changes to the DSA announced in March 2017 Read More...

What is T-Score? how is T-Score calculated?

A P6 student's Aggregate T-Score in PSLE indicates how well he/she has performed on average in all four subjects relative to his/her peers and is used specifically for the purpose of determining the priority of admission to secondary schools and the eligibility/fit for the different secondary school pathways available. Read More...

What is Gifted Education Programme (GEP)?

The GEP is essentially the same in all GEP schools. Officers of the Gifted Education Branch and GEP teachers meet to develop the curriculum and to ensure that a comparable standard is maintained in all GEP schools. The difference in the GEP schools lies mainly in the types of co-curricular activities offered and the school ethos. Read More...

What is Subject-based Banding?

Subject-based Banding provides greater flexibility for your child by offering him the option of a combination of standard and foundation subjects, depending on his strengths. For example, if he excels in English and Mother Tongue but needs more support in Mathematics and Science, he may choose to take the first two subjects at the standard level and the others at the foundation level. Read More...

Singapore Primary School Curriculum

The inner circle centring on life skills ensures that students acquire sound values and skills to take them through life as responsible adults and active citizens. It comprises the non-academic curriculum. Read More...

Students with Mild Special Educational Needs in Singapore

Singapore Schools support students with mild special educational needs, such as mild Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyslexia, as well as students with physical and sensory impairment Read More...

What are the types of Secondary Schools in Singapore?

There are many different secondary schools to choose from. While some have unique programmes and others may offer different educational paths, they all seek to maximise the potential of every child. Read More...
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