Tuition fees and Hostel Fees comparison for Universities in Singapore

By: Chloe, in Category: University

Here is a table comparing the fees for undergraduate students at the four major universities in Singapore: National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Please note that the fees are for the academic year 2022/2023 and are subject to change.

University Tuition Fees (SGD) Hostel Fees (SGD)
NUS $8,200 - $39,150 per year $2,170 - $5,610 per semester
NTU $8,200 - $34,000 per year $2,500 - $6,200 per semester
SMU $12,550 - $15,550 per year $3,390 - $6,190 per semester
SUTD $14,950 - $18,200 per year $2,380 - $5,500 per semester

Please note that the above fees are for full-time undergraduate programs and are subject to change. Additionally, students may incur additional expenses such as textbooks, meal plans, and transportation, which are not included in the fees listed above. It is important to consult the official websites of the respective universities for the latest and most accurate information regarding fees and expenses.

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