Singapore Education Related Articles

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Fajar Secondary School

Fajar Secondary School was founded in 1964 as a co-educational school, with the aim of providing a holistic education to its students. It started with only a few classes and a small number of students, but over the years it has grown into a well-established institution with a strong reputation for academic excellence. Read More...

Evergreen Secondary School

Evergreen Secondary School is a co-educational school that was established in 1994. The school aims to provide a holistic education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and values to succeed in the 21st century. The school's vision is to develop every student into a confident, caring, and responsible individual who contributes meaningfully to society. Evergreen Secondary School is committed to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment that promotes academic excellence, character development, and lifelong learning. Read More...

Damai Secondary School

Damai Secondary School is a co-educational school founded in 1999. Located in the western part of Singapore, the school aims to provide a holistic education that develops students into confident and responsible individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the 21st century. The school's motto, "Towards Excellence, Together with Integrity," reflects its commitment to nurturing students who are principled, compassionate, and committed to excellence. Read More...

Canberra Secondary School

Canberra Secondary School is a co-educational school founded in 2002. Located in the northern part of Singapore, the school aims to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges of the future. The school's motto, "Strength through Perseverance," reflects its commitment to developing students who are resilient, self-motivated, and responsible Read More...

Beatty Secondary School

Beatty Secondary School is a co-educational school founded in 1953. Located in the central part of Singapore, the school aims to provide a holistic education that develops students into responsible and contributing members of society. The school's motto, "For Truth and Honour," reflects its commitment to instilling values of integrity, responsibility, and excellence in its students. Read More...

Bartley Secondary School

Bartley Secondary School is a co-educational school founded in 1956. Located in the northeastern part of Singapore, the school aims to provide a well-rounded education that emphasizes character development, academic excellence, and social responsibility. The school's motto, "Strive for the Best," reflects its commitment to nurturing students to reach their full potential. Read More...

ACS (International) - Secondary School

Here's a summary of information about ACS (International) secondary school: Read More...

ACS (Independent) - Secondary School

Here's a summary of information about ACS (Independent) secondary school: Read More...

ACS (Barker Road) - Secondary School

ACS (Barker Road) is a well-known secondary school in Singapore. Here's some information that might be helpful: Read More...
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