Singapore Education Related Articles

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NUS Medicine admission interview - How to prepare?

Congratulations on securing an interview for NUS Medicine admission! The interview is a crucial part of the admission process, and it's essential to prepare thoroughly to showcase your strengths and potential as a medical student. Read More...

DSA Chinese Dance Interview - What you should know

The specific content of a DSA (Direct School Admission) Chinese dance interview may vary depending on the school and program. However, typically, the interview may consist of several components, including Read More...

DSA into Singapore Junior Colleges (JCs)

DSA, or Direct School Admission, is a scheme that allows students to apply for admission to a Junior College (JC) before taking their GCE O-Level examinations. Here is some information about DSA into Junior Colleges Read More...

School of the Arts, Singapore - SOTA

SOTA stands for the School of the Arts, Singapore. It is a specialized independent school that provides a unique and integrated arts and academic curriculum for students who are passionate about the arts. Here is some information in detail about SOTA Read More...

How to Prepare for Science Olympiad for Primary School Students?

Preparing for the Science Olympiad for Primary School Students requires a combination of subject knowledge, problem-solving skills, and hands-on experience. Here are some tips and useful resources that can help students prepare for the competition Read More...

What is Science Olympiad for Primary School Students?

The Science Olympiad for Primary School Students is an annual competition that aims to promote science education and stimulate students' interest in science. The competition is usually organized by the Science Centre Singapore and is open to primary school students from different schools in Singapore. Read More...

What are the different streams available in JCs?

In Singapore, Junior Colleges (JCs) offer a two-year pre-university program for students who have completed their GCE O-Level examinations. There are three different streams available in JCs Read More...

What to bring on the first day of Primary School?

The first day of primary school can be an exciting and overwhelming experience for both parents and students in Singapore. Here are some items that parents can consider bringing for their child on the first day of primary school Read More...

Comparing MGSS, NJC and SCGSS School Cultures

MGSS, NJC, and SCGSS are three different schools in Singapore, and each of them has its unique culture that sets them apart from one another. Here's a comparison of their cultures Read More...
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SPERS English and Maths Test for Returning Singaporeans
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The Canadian International School (CIS)
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