Yusof Ishak Secondary School
By: Nurul, in Category: SecondaryYusof Ishak Secondary School is a co-educational secondary school located in Punggol, Singapore. The school was established in 2008 and is named after the late President Yusof Ishak. The school's motto is "Lend a Hand, Light a Life", which reflects its mission to nurture its students to be compassionate and responsible individuals.
Here is some information on Yusof Ishak Secondary School:
- PSLE AL score range: The school does not release information on its PSLE AL score range.
- CCAs: The school offers a variety of CCAs, including sports, performing arts, uniformed groups, and clubs and societies.
- Achievements: The school has achieved numerous accolades in sports, performing arts, and academic competitions. For example, the school's Chinese Orchestra has won multiple gold awards at the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation.
- Notable alumni: As the school is relatively new, there are no notable alumni at this time.
- Location: Yusof Ishak Secondary School is located at 8 Sumang Walk, Singapore 828676, in Punggol.
- How to get there: The school is accessible via public transportation, with the nearest LRT station being Sumang Station on the Punggol LRT line.
- School contact details: The school's contact number is +65 6385 3555 and its email address is [email protected].
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very easy